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Solar religion : the only one which allows the realization of the Kingdom of God
"At the heart of our inner life, at the centre of our concerns, we must place the universal principle which is the source of all religions – the sun – and immserse ourselves in the example it gives us each day. To bring light, warmth and life to all creatures without exception – this is the solar religion. Even before human beings appeared on earth, the sun was there, and it has been saying to them ever since: ‘Expand your consciousness, free yourselves from your narrow conceptions and do as I do: illuminate, warm, vivify and embrace the entire world with your intelligence and your love.’ The only true religion is the solar religion, which teaches us to become luminous, warm and life-giving. It teaches us to work to acquire the wisdom which clarifies and solves problems; the disinterested love which embellishes, encourages and consoles; and the subtle, spiritual life which renders us active, dynamic and bold so that we may realize the Kingdom of God and his Justice on earth. No one can fight this religion. Anyone who tries to go against it only diminishes and obscures his own inner life. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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