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Sleep : provides the conditions for our study of spiritual truths
"When a disciple follows the teaching of a spiritual master, this teaching does not speak solely to the conscious part of his being. Even at night while he is sleeping, the true disciple goes to join his master with his astral body and continues to be instructed by him. He reads the most sacred books in the libraries of the universe and attends the most magnificent ceremonies. Although his mind is not yet prepared to remember such events, he may retain certain impressions which create such a sensation of peace and light in his heart that when he awakens the next morning he wonders: ‘Where was I last night? What I saw was so beautiful!’ It is important to understand that sleep becomes something sacred when you enter into it with the intention of going off to be instructed in these spiritual schools, for it is there that you receive true initiation."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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