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Sleep : journeys of the soul during Sleep
"When your soul leaves your body during sleep, it is not inactive: it travels, it contemplates immensity, it communes with heavenly spirits, and it strengthens its understanding of love, wisdom and truth. On its return, it brings back the memory of all this wealth and attempts to register it in the mind. And even if you are not immediately conscious of this, sooner or later you will be, because all these great truths leave an etheric imprint within you. This is why certain sublime truths that have been carried for a long time in your unconscious are sometimes communicated to you in a sudden flash. Until this moment, you have not been ready to be conscious of them, but suddenly there is a propitious moment in which your mind is well disposed, and this truth bursts forth. If you wish these experiences to be more and more frequent, you must become very disciplined in your life, because when you develop the habit of working on your physical body in order to purify it and render it more sensitive, your soul will be able to record sublime truths more easily."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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