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Signature : important that it is legible
"At the end of a letter or circular, the author signs his name to indicate that he is responsible for it. This being so, why do we see so many complicated and illegible signatures today? Those who sign in this way do not even know why they do it. Well, quite simply, they do so because deep inside themselves they are feeding dark tendencies which they are trying to hide. Because of these tendencies, they camouflage themselves, to the extent that we cannot even see who they are or what their names are. Do not say that a signature is an unimportant detail. On the contrary, it is very important, because it represents the human being himself. A signature must show that everything in a person is clear, honest and frank. Why distort or scribble your name? This is a very bad sign. By doing this, a person attracts chaotic energies to himself, and they will destroy him. How can he hope to resolve the problems of his family, his business or his country if he cannot even write his name clearly?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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