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Sexuality : how this question was obscured by Christianity
"The Christian religion greatly complicated and obscured the question of sexuality by declaring that Jesus was born of a virgin through the workings of the Holy Spirit. As a result, the word ‘purity’ could be understood only in a very narrow sense, with all kinds of catastrophic consequences, not only for the believers but for members of the clergy themselves. How could all these monks and nuns in the convents blossom when the purity they were taught was actually an adversary of life? But life holds its own. When people attempt to repress their sexual energy instead of understanding why and how to channel it, inevitably one day it results in events analogous to the breach of a dam. It should come as no surprise that such a ‘breach’ has sometimes provoked excesses and led men and women to insane and criminal behaviour."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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