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Sexual energies : channel and orientate them to the brain
"A dam does not prevent water from flowing. Anyone who builds a dam on a river knows he must provide other waterways, or the river will eventually overflow and carry away everything in its path. Well, the same thing applies to human beings: if they repress their instincts, and particularly the sexual instinct, tensions accumulate in their subconscious and at a given moment carry everything away with them. We must not waste our energies, but neither must we block them. The solution lies in channelling them so that they can irrigate our lands, just as the Egyptians in the past dug ditches so that the waters of the Nile fertilised their country. In fact, nature herself has already installed channels in human beings so that their sexual energies can be directed towards the brain, and just because anatomists have not yet discovered and written about these channels does not mean that they do not exist. It is up to you to discover them, and to work every day to become more lucid, more intelligent and more creative."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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