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Sensation : gives us the understanding of reality
"Everything is alive, everything vibrates and radiates. If you were clairvoyant you would see this radiance throughout creation. But even if you do not see it, you can feel it, which is even more important because, where the inner life, the spiritual life is concerned, feeling is superior to seeing. It is possible to see and yet to feel nothing. What most human beings do is proof of this: they see, but they do not benefit much from what they see, because they are imprisoned deep inside themselves, with the doors and windows firmly locked, so that nothing reaches them. And if God Himself were to come and visit, no doubt they would look at Him with a critical eye, because they would not like many things about Him. So, seeing in itself changes nothing deep within; it is feeling that gives you an understanding of reality."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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