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‘Secret place’ : explanation of the parable
"‘When you pray,’ said Jesus, ‘go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.’ How are we to interpret this secret room? It is obviously not a physical space with four walls, but a state of consciousness. When you succeed in creating silence and peace within you, when you feel the need to express your love for the Creator, you are already in this secret room. For a moment, at least, you have succeeded in attaining this region of the soul and spirit which you carry within you throughout eternity. Why is it so difficult for most people to gain access to this secret room? Because, just as they are unaware of what takes place in their subconscious, they are also unaware of what takes place on high in heaven – in their heaven, their spirit, their divine consciousness. It is here that you must direct your search, and you will find the secret room, this state of great concentration, peace and silence where everything else fades away, where there is nothing other than your prayer, your inner word, which travels the universe."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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