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Scientists and the religious : their mistakes
"We often hear certain well-known people expressing indignation about the fact that even in these times human beings have not yet rid themselves of religious beliefs which are considered to be irrational. It is true that after a period of materialism, of scientism, more and more people are once again turning to religion, spirituality, or mysticism, and this tendency sometimes takes forms which are completely confused and nonsensical. Even religious authorities are disturbed by it, because they feel overtaken by these new currents which they cannot control. Well, the responsibility for this situation lies with the faithful themselves, who have been more preoccupied with extending the domination of the Church than with responding to the real needs of souls and spirits. It also lies with the scientists, whose materialistic philosophies leave people hungry and thirsty. Both groups should therefore cease complaining about a situation that they themselves have helped to create. Instead, they should come together and see how they can change it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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