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Science of the Word : establishes a link between heaven,and earth
"The Hebrew alphabet is composed of 22 letters, but for the cabbalists these 22 letters are more than simply the marks used to form words. They represent the 22 elements of the divine Word, the 22 forces with which, according to the Zohar, God created the world. To know the science of the divine Word is to know how to combine its 22 elements in the three worlds, thereby creating harmony in our thoughts, feelings and actions. When there is disorder within us, it is because these ‘words’ are misplaced or poorly combined. To acquire this science of the divine Word, which is to say, the science of the correspondences between the letters and forces, is of course a long and difficult undertaking. But those who possess it know how to manipulate these letters and are able to establish a true link between heaven and earth."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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