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Scepticism : is not a constructive attitude
"When faced with the truths of spiritual science, some people simply resort to scepticism and insinuation. They say: ‘Personally, I doubt that…. I am a sceptic’, as if this scepticism were the fruit of many years of deep reflection. In fact, the opposite is true. They show how limited they are intellectually: they have not studied, nor do they wish to study, so they find it convenient to maintain a position which spares them the trouble of true reflection and gives them the illusion that they are great thinkers. Someone who describes himself as a sceptic only reveals that he has never studied anything in depth. Yes, if he has failed to acquire certitude, it is because he has not gone far enough in his research. It also shows that he is proud, since he attributes no value to the knowledge acquired by others. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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