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Royalty : supposes before anything else the mastery of self
"The notion of royalty goes hand in hand with that of self-mastery. A monarch who governs others but has not learned to govern himself is not really a king, but a slave. A true king is someone who first and foremost has become master of himself. Only the person whose ideal is to escape the domination of his selfish tendencies and to control and orientate his thoughts, feelings and desires is on the royal road. And then, even the spirits of nature bow at his passing, whispering among themselves: ‘Look, a king has come to visit us’ and they give him a warm welcome and crowd around him. For a fluidic substance of great purity emanates from him, imbued with soothing and curative influences. Like a flowing spring, he brings life to all creatures as he passes. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Complete Works
A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science (2)
Izvor Collection
Holidays, Happiness, and the Dove
Complete Works
Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, Kabbalah - Aspects of esoteric science




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