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Repent - is only real if we try to rectify our mistakes : is only real if we try to rectify our mistakes
"The notion that God approaches you or distances himself from you hinders your spiritual evolution. You say to yourself: ‘I have acted badly, I feel abandoned by God; I will wait until he forgives me and comes to me again.’ Well, you can wait for centuries. It is you who must start work immediately. If you expect changes to come from the Lord, if you are content merely to call him to the aid of his wayward child, your illusions will only help prolong your inner malaise. Since it is you who are the cause of these difficulties, correct your mistakes. This is true repentance and will bring you closer to God. To say that God forgives us is an illusion; we are only pardoned when we make reparations. You must divest yourselves of many false notions which have been fostered by religion itself. In all circumstances, work to rise above the clouds in order to rediscover the Divinity within you." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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