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Religion - supposes knowledge and understanding : supposes knowledge and understanding
"The magnificence of churches, the splendours of religious services, the beauty of prayers and songs awaken certain emotions in the soul. But this is not sufficient. Human beings need something more precise than emotions, because emotions are transitory and do not provide a solid base for their psychic life. This is why believers end by doubting; while they continue to imagine they believe, in reality they doubt. In order to truly believe, they need to know, to understand. The era has passed when the faithful were taught that the criteria of true faith was the acceptance of truths they did not understand. They no longer want to hear about ‘the mysteries of faith’. People must now be taught that religion as well as morality are founded on laws just as real and verifiable as those of the physical world. In the same way that the universe created by God is governed by laws, the human being created by God has a physical and psychic organism which is also governed by laws. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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