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Religion - must take all human activities into account : must take all human activities into account
"There is no dearth of religions in the world; the problem lies in knowing how to work, and this must be our concern. In light of this, the Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood gives us methods, that is to say a perspective to assume, a programme to realize. It is no longer necessary to discuss the essential truths which have been known for thousand of years. Now we must find the best way to apply them and to keep them alive. In a true religion, all human activities must be taken into consideration: those which have to do with our physical life, such as breathing, eating, walking, sleeping, and so on, as well as those which have to do with our soul and spirit. If we emphasize methods of working, it is so that no aspect of our lives is considered outside the domain of religion, for the human being is a unity."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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