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Religion and science : must lead to the same certainties
"Those who have undertaken a true inner work feel themselves increasingly sustained by the conviction that no one can deprive them of the discoveries or the gains they are making. They know above all that they cannot really count on what comes to them from the outside. They never know whether at any moment they may be deprived of electricity, the telephone, the car – all these inventions of which the twentieth century is so justifiably proud, and which are now so indispensable to their lives. If this is the case, why expose themselves to such eventual loss?
It is not my wish that science stop its research; on the contrary, I want it to progress; but in a different direction. Since the universe is a unity and the human being is a unity, it can be said that science is in search of the same certitudes as religion, but by other means. If it understands how it must orientate this research from now on, it will come closer to the real discoveries of the great spiritual masters and, in doing so, it will contribute to the true progress of humanity." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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