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Religion : must be based on an understanding of man
"More and more people are turning away from religion, but at the same time they are adopting heterogeneous beliefs about which they understand very little. Whose fault is this? Every human being comes into this world with a divine imprint, and if he is not conscious of it or loses this awareness, it is because the clergy does not practise its profession properly. It can be said that the Church has not wanted to see the true greatness of Jesus, this man who once came to reveal to humanity that they are all of a divine essence and all equally the sons and daughters of the same heavenly Father. Instead of taking such great pains to demonstrate and reiterate that Jesus was ‘Christ, the only son of God’, it would be far more useful if the Church explained to human beings who they themselves are. Yes, the key to religion is that man must learn, above all, who he is. Only on this condition can he undertake a profound work. Until then, he only tacks all kinds of theories and beliefs onto something he does not know: himself. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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