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Read and write : in all regions of the universe
"Generations of human beings have lived very well even though they were unable to write. But we now live in a culture which demands that we know how to read and write, and it is unthinkable that we could do without these skills. Moreover, reading and writing are two activities that we must also learn to exercise in other domains. According to initiatic science, to read is to be able to decipher the subtle and hidden aspect of objects and beings, to interpret the symbols and signs that Cosmic Intelligence has placed everywhere in the great book of the universe. And to write is to be capable of leaving our mark on this great book, of influencing stones, plants, animals and human beings through the magical force of our spirit. Reading and writing on paper is not enough; we must prepare ourselves to read and write in all realms of the universe."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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