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Racism : a misunderstanding of what humanity represents
"Racist theories are among the most criminal of human inventions, because no matter what race he belongs to, every human being represents a cell of the great Cosmic Being. How can all these ‘cells’ be made to understand this, when they have remained at such a low level of consciousness that they feel not only foreign to each other, but hostile? Because they cannot conceive of this unity to which they belong, at the slightest opportunity their reactions and their behaviour come into conflict with the whole. Instead, these cells must acknowledge that the whole of humanity is one and the same organism, one and the same entity. At this point, every one of them will desire nothing other than a harmonious relationship with all the other cells representing the Sublime Being, or God Himself. If they refuse, if they exclude others, it is they, in fact, who exclude themselves from the whole. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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