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Projects : must obey the criteria of wisdom and love
"Cosmic Intelligence has designed everything with great wisdom, and if it has given human beings the faculty of doubt, it is clear that they are meant to make use of it. The only problem is knowing where and when. People must begin by questioning their own capacity to understand correctly and to judge well. You will say: ‘This is difficult, I don’t know how to go about it!’ Of course it is difficult, but there are warning signs when you need to be vigilant. Whenever you feel a tension, an uneasiness within you, take this as a sign that something isn’t right, and instead of stubbornly persisting, consider using this very efficient tool: doubt. But use it properly: question your way of seeing things and reacting to them, question the methods you have used or are about to use. Tell yourself: ‘Maybe I’m not exactly clear about this; maybe I don’t have all the elements necessary to make a decision. I need to study this further to see if my projects meet the criteria of wisdom and love.’ Never accept something merely because it corresponds with your own way of seeing things."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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