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Problems : try to resolve them by love and not by violence
"Countries believe they can solve problems with their neighbours and ensure their safety by perfecting weapons which are more and more deadly, until one day they will destroy the whole earth. Because, with this approach, the more time passes, the more complicated things become. As long as human beings do not choose to solve their problems with spiritual force, with the power of divine love, nothing will ever be resolved. Therefore, whatever your situation and station in life may be, from this day forward you at least must try to resolve any problems with your parents, your friends or your enemies by expressing love and kindness. By doing so, you will activate a law which will require them sooner or later to respond in the same way. Yes, this is the power of provocation! As long as you do not understand how to resolve problems, you unfailingly provoke the negative side in others, which in turn waits until you drop your guard and comes back to attack you. Study history and you will see that this has always been the case. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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