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Pray : when and for what Pray
"God is not there to fulfil people’s desire for ease, tranquillity and well-being. He is only concerned with what will make them grow. But human beings mix everything up! They pray, which is very good, because prayer represents a force, but it is important to know what purpose prayer must serve and when to use it. So, when you are suffering, only ask God to teach you how to endure this suffering, so that you may extract every benefit from it. Suffering exists not for the purpose of hurting us, but to teach us where genuine good is to be found, and thus to make us stronger, more intelligent and more vibrant. Repeat to yourself every day that suffering conceals a great wisdom to be gained. And know that in talking to you like this, I am also talking to myself, because all human beings without exception must perfect themselves."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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