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Parents and educators : indispensable for awakening human beings to the spiritual life
"We know that when a child has been abandoned, when there are no adults around him to teach him to stand up or to speak, he behaves like an animal. He continues to walk on all fours and make inarticulate sounds, and it is very difficult, sometimes even impossible, to educate him. I say this to help you understand that however elevated the spirit living in a body may be, a child or an adolescent needs adults around him who can awaken this spirit. Later on a child may manifest intellectual and moral qualities superior to those of his parents and the adults who educated him. A disciple may become superior to his Master as well, but in the same way that the child needs parents and educators, so too have the greatest sons of God, the greatest initiates, always needed parents and educators to help awaken them to the spiritual world."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Complete Works
A New Earth - Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers
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The Book of Revelations: a Commentary
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Cosmic Balance - The Secret of Polarity




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