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Parents : what they should wish for their children
"You cannot blame parents for desiring their children’s wellbeing and success; they are obviously motivated by love. But their love is not always enlightened, because it does not envision their children’s true evolution. Of course, parents need not wish suffering on their children as a means for their evolution; this is not their concern. They should desire only that their children become benefactors of humanity, and it is for heaven to decide which experiences they must pass through to achieve this. It may send them illness, enemies or disgrace; it doesn’t matter. If parents know how to advise and support their children through trying times instead of attempting to spare them at any price, these children will go far, so far in fact that one day there will be no trace of these trials. Parents love their children, but children who are spared every difficulty by this love become weak and insignificant, nothing more."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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