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Organism : ours should serve as model for all forms of organization
"Where can the model for every organization be found? In the human organism. Human beings cannot invent anything which does not already exist in creation. They may imitate or reproduce something, but they cannot invent it. The human organism is in itself an organized world, constructed according to the laws on high. It must serve as a point of departure for all humanity, as the model for every organization. We leave it to biologists and doctors to investigate this organism – to describe it, to cut it up, to analyse its functions – and we are wary of drawing conclusions from their work. Nevertheless, the entire philosophy of life is inscribed in our organism.
This organization which is modelled on our own organism must be reflected first of all in the family, but also in the society, in the nation, and throughout the entire planet." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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