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Ordeals : know that they are helpful for our evolution
"When we read the lives of the saints, the prophets and the initiates, we find that all of them have undergone terrible ordeals. Those who understood their meaning were not discouraged and did not rebel; they knew that it was thanks to these trials that they would become divinities. But others who had not yet gained sufficient light were overwhelmed and sometimes even rebelled: why did heaven not come to their aid? They had sacrificed everything for it, and now they were being abandoned! What spiritualists often lack is true knowledge. Because they have consecrated their life to God, they imagine they will see streams flowing with milk and honey, that they will walk on rose petals and be crowned in glory. It is true that such promises are found in the Bible, and it is also true that this will come to be, but only when they have passed every test! In the meantime, whatever their ordeals may be, those who possess true light must learn to use them for their evolution."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Complete Works
The Second Birth
Izvor Collection
The Powers of Thought
Izvor Collection
Harmony and Health (purple cover)




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