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Old age : a period which can be very favourable for spiritual activity
"So many people dread growing older, because they see old age as a period of decline! The truth is that the older people get, the greater their potential for becoming clear-sighted, luminous and powerful. If this is not what we see most of the time, it is because they are so accustomed to identifying with their physical body that they submit passively to all its trials and tribulations. For the true spiritualist who has learned to free himself from the constraints of the physical plane and to identify with the spirit, the opposite is true: his thinking becomes increasingly vital and creative. The spirit is all-powerful, immortal and all-knowing, and by identifying with it, man goes beyond the constraints of matter. The body must submit to its laws, but the spirit is free of them. This is why age is not a disadvantage for the spiritual man; on the contrary, his thinking is liberated and becomes more active on the subtle planes."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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