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Occultism : its dangers
"Occultism is fashionable today: more and more people are searching for the secrets that will enable them to become powerful magicians. They think they will find these secrets in rituals, talismans and magic formulas, and without knowing anything of the realities of the invisible world, they take up the invocation of spirits. The poor wretches! What they will find is psychological and even physical imbalance, because it is not the spirits of light who will respond to their invocations, but entities from the lowest levels who will use the opportunity to strip them bare. Yes, this is the truth, the implacable truth. Why? Because there is only one way to attract the spirits of light: you must progress further each day along the spiritual path. Celestial entities offer their help and blessings to human beings only in proportion to what they themselves are capable of realizing. Other entities, of course, may end up granting them their wishes, but the price will be very high."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, Kabbalah - Aspects of esoteric science




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