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Objects : pay attention to how we handle them
"Simply because objects are inanimate does not mean you should feel free to treat them in any way whatsoever. You will say: ‘But is this really so important? These objects can’t feel anything. However we treat them, they feel neither suffering nor joy.’ It is true that they feel nothing, but according to how you conduct yourself, it is you who will experience either suffering or joy, because everything you do produces currents which are positive or negative, harmonious or discordant. These currents effect you first of all, but they also effect all beings of the visible and invisible worlds, near and far. You are responsible for everything you do, because neither your thoughts, your feelings, nor your actions are without consequence, and you are either their victim or their beneficiary."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Complete Works
Love and Sexuality - Part 2
Izvor Collection
Looking into the Invisible - Intuition, Clairvoyance, Dreams
Izvor Collection
Harmony and Health (purple cover)




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