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Objective and subjective worlds : human beings need to live in both
"The human being possesses a soul which can only flourish in immensity, in the infinite. All that is visible, concrete and measurable – even if we find it useful, interesting or indispensable – ultimately satisfies only a part of us. It cannot fulfil our lives. Why do children love fairy tales? And why do adults also retreat whenever they can into the foreign, the supernatural, the irrational? Because it is an innate need in human beings: we were created to live in two worlds, objective and subjective, visible and invisible, material and spiritual. We have the capacity to enter into relationship with these two worlds, and we need them both. But we must not confuse the two: the reality we discover through our five senses is not the same as the one we perceive with the senses of the spiritual world. These are two different worlds, and to know them requires different instruments."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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