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Nutrition : may always serve as a communion
"God is life, he alone gives life, no other being has this power. Once the wheat is transformed into the host, the mission of the priest, by means of his blessing, is to envelop this host with a fluid of a spiritual nature, so that it is received in the best way possible by the soul and spirit of the person who takes it. Even if there were no priest to give his blessing, the believer, conscious that God has put his own life into this host, is able to open a door in himself through which all the currents of heaven begin to circulate. It is not the host which has this power; it is the human being who bestows powers upon it, by the way in which he perceives it. Do not be surprised, then, when I tell you that by adopting an attitude of respect, gratitude and love towards the food you eat each day, you accomplish a sacred act which not only nourishes your physical body, but also your subtle bodies, including your soul and your spirit." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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