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Novelty : making deeper understanding daily of the same truths
"Even when they reach adulthood, most people are still like children: they always need something new to hold their attention. And this same shortcoming can be observed in spiritualists. Even though the Teaching offers them such a profusion of truths that they haven’t time to assimilate them, they always expect something new. But what are they doing with what they already have? And you, too, do you not have this same failing? You are content to take notes which you then file away somewhere. Make up your mind once and for all to put these truths into practice, or you will spend your life waiting for something new and you will never progress. In the spiritual life, you must constantly work with the same truths. The novelty lies in what you discover each day by delving into them more deeply."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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