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Negative states : a method to overcome them
"It is true that daily life presents each of you with occasions for anxiety, sadness and discouragement. But you must react. Instead of doing nothing but stuffing yourselves with pills and bothering others, without considering that they too meet with the same difficulties, make an effort to work with your imagination. Imagine yourselves surrounded by light, sending your love throughout the whole world, surmounting obstacles and difficulties. Little by little the images you form will come alive and act on your consciousness. They will transform you as they work to attract the necessary elements from the universe and establish them within you. At first the effects of this exercise will not last long, and you will have to repeat it often. But one day the results will be definitive and impossible to doubt. Above you, you will sense the presence of a living entity who protects you, instructs you, purifies you, enlightens you and, in difficult situations, gives you the support you need."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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