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‘My Father works and I also work’ : commentary
"Jesus said, ‘My Father is still working, and I also am working.’ [PV8]But who, even among the initiates, can pronounce such words? Who even knows what this work is? Most human beings can only say, ‘I do odd jobs…I struggle…I rack my brains…I make some miserable attempts.’ But work is something completely different. After two thousand years, we have not yet fathomed the depths of the phrase ‘My Father is still working, and I too am working.’ It has remained ineffective and empty of meaning. Have we ever wondered what this work of God is, how He works, and in what way Jesus is associated with this work? The work of Christ is to purify everything, to harmonize and illuminate everything, and to orient everything toward the divine Source, so that the water of this Source can in return flow and bring to life the earth and all its creatures. Only someone who has managed to rise as far as the divine Spirit in order to imbue himself with its quintessence and then to distribute its benefits to all creatures, has earned the right to say ‘I am working.’"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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