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Meaning of life : to work for the kingdom of God
"By devoting themselves to all kinds of activities, people hope to find meaning in their lives. But they will only discover the meaning of life when they decide to participate in the realization of the Kingdom of God and his Justice. From then on, whatever happens, they are workers in the field of the Lord, and they feel supported and fulfilled because they are conscious of participating in an immense task. Above all, they know they will never be lonely or abandoned. Every one of you can discover the meaning of life this very day, for this very day, instead of working only for the satisfaction of your own needs, you can say:‘ From now on I intend to work for the Kingdom of God and his Justice.’ And even if you are unknown on earth, your name will be inscribed in the Book of Life, and you will receive the blessings of heaven. You must always go further; your aspirations must become always greater, vaster. This truly gives meaning to your life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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