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Marriage : in the spiritual life there is no sterile Marriage
"In their psychic and spiritual lives, human beings are not uniquely men or women as they are on the physical plane. The mystic who contemplates divinity is like a woman who wants to receive a spark, a seed from God. He devotes himself to the light of God; he opens himself to it and then receives this seed in his soul. He carries it within him for a long time in order to give birth in the world to a divine child. In the spiritual realm, a man, like a woman, can conceive a child. By linking to God, he changes polarity; he becomes a woman and gives birth to the child that is love and the child that is wisdom. In the same way, if a virgin who devotes herself to the service of God also prepares herself to marry the Christ, she will give birth spiritually. There are no barren marriages in the spiritual life, but only on the condition that men and women are educated about the laws of polarity, "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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