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Lower nature : distrust with regard to Lower nature
"Every day you are confronted with the manifestations of your lower nature. It is part of you, it presents its arguments to you, but do not allow yourself to be convinced it is right. If you wish, grant it the benefit of being ‘unreasonably correct’ by saying: ‘Alright, my lower nature is this way for reasons which were undoubtedly valid in the past, at a certain stage of evolution when human beings, like animals, had to obey their instincts. But now, at a more advanced stage of evolution, Cosmic Intelligence has other plans for me.’ Distrust those as well who allow themselves to be directed by their lower nature. You can excuse them by understanding the cause of their behaviour, but do not be influenced by them. To understand them, to excuse them and forgive them is one thing; it is not only permissible but even desirable. But as for you, follow your higher nature; in doing so, you will always be on the right path and can also show others the way."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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