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Love and wisdom : render all matter digestible
"Life never fails to present us with people we find unpleasant and irritating. From the spiritual point of view, such beings represent a kind of raw material which our mouths, symbolically speaking, have difficulty swallowing. But if within us we have the warmth of love and the force of light, the glands of our spiritual ‘mouths’ begin to function, and as a result, these people become edible and no longer perturb our psychological state. If you insist on trying to ‘digest’ someone without light and love, you end up with indigestion and heartburn. But with love (warmth) and wisdom (light), you are able to transform all that comes to you in a raw state, be it food, human beings, or situations. It is with light and warmth that these raw materials become easily assimilated. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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