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Love : example of the bee and butterfly
"All the problems human beings seek to resolve have their solution in the great Book of Nature, and it is bees and butterflies that give us the solution to the problem of love. How do human beings generally understand love? Like caterpillars, which eat the leaves of plants. But one day the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, which no longer eats leaves. Instead, it visits the flowers and, without damaging them, feeds on their nectar. The bee also feeds on the nectar of flowers and then sets to work making honey, which is the finest of foods. Like the butterfly, the initiate loves to visit the flowers, which is to say, all human creatures. His love does not harm them, for he takes only a tiny drop of their quintessence and, like the bee, produces in his laboratories the honey that will serve as food for the entire world. As you can see, all solutions are to be found in nature: it is here we must look for them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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