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Love : conditions which make it permanent
"Too often men and women throw themselves into a romantic adventure without truly asking themselves where it will lead. It is important to understand that a love relationship makes sense only if you can build something solid and durable with your partner. Look to see whether harmony exists between you on the three planes: the physical, the emotional and the mental, or if you are only yielding to a passing fancy, to the temptations of pleasure. If you have no affinity in the domain of emotions, tastes and ideas, don’t tell yourself this doesn’t matter and that things will work out in the long run. On the contrary, after a while, when you have exhausted the novelty of certain pleasures, you rightly perceive that emotional and intellectual affinities are extremely important. And if these affinities do not exist, discord sets in, and where once you believed you would find joy and plenitude, you find only disillusion and suffering. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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