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Love : the transformations it produces on our thoughts and behaviour
"At one time or another you have met a man or a woman who has inspired in you a deep feeling of affection. Did you notice the transformations that this feeling alone produced within you? Suddenly you began to think and behave differently, not only towards this person, but with everyone around you. Even your relationship with nature and objects changed. So many things that you did not see or feel before begin to reveal themselves to you, encouraging you to undertake new activities! Because love is a force and this force acts on you. It influences your mind, your will, and even your body and it opens up great possibilities for you. Love is like the fuel in your car: if your tank is full, you can go a long way, but if it is empty, how far can you go? And if love is missing, where can you go?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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