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Link with heaven : beneficial in any activity
"Daily life is like a current that sweeps you along, and you do not always have the time and opportunity to reflect and to see where it is taking you. This is why you endlessly allow yourself to be taken up by all sorts of engagements and activities. At the time they seem useful and reasonable, but after a while you realize you have lost a good deal of time and energy with little to show for it. This is not to say you should take no interest in things outside the spiritual life: all activity can be beneficial, as long as it is attached to a high ideal, a divine philosophy. If you are suspended on a rope that is solid and well attached, you can maintain balance in all directions. But if the knot is not solid or the rope is worn, you will fall and break your back. We always come back to the importance of the link, our link with heaven. As long as you maintain this link, each of your activities can bring you something beneficial."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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