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Light : alone gives real power and knowledge
"The sun’s rays are forces which influence everything they penetrate, because they are inhabited by living entities. Their different manifestations correspond to different colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, of which white light is the synthesis. When these rays are projected onto living beings, they work on them. Initiates use light and colours to help human beings and they teach their disciples to work with light. Each colour corresponds to a virtue, and this explains why each mistake you make reduces the force within you that corresponds to one of these colours. Since time immemorial the initiates have worked with light, for it is light alone that bestows true power and real knowledge. With the laser, official science is gradually discovering the extraordinary power of light, but the powers of spiritual light are far greater still."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Complete Works
On the Art of Teaching, from the Initiatic Point of View (3)
Izvor Collection
Toward a Solar Civilization
Izvor Collection
True Alchemy or the Quest for Perfection




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