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Light : work with the Light is that which gives the most results
"When you are worried or anxious, the only truly effective way to regain balance and peace is to make contact with the light. You will say that you have often tried this to no avail, whereas with pills or certain potions you feel better immediately, and that you do not want to waste your time with methods that are ineffective. Well, even if your observations are correct, your conclusions are wrong. If you fail to obtain results with methods that make use of the light, it is not because they are ineffective, but because you have not yet learned how to work with the light. You are content to give it a brief thought from time to time, so of course you obtain no results. Instead, learn to vibrate in unison with it, to draw it to you, to allow it to penetrate all your cells, to make it ever more vibrant within you, and you will understand that nothing is more powerful than the light."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Izvor Collection
Angels and other Mysteries of The Tree of Life
Izvor Collection
Harmony and Health (purple cover)
Complete Works
A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science (1)




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