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Light : maintain consciousness in the realms of Light
"When you feel anxious or distressed, do not give in to this state. Keep your thoughts from taking this negative direction, or you will end up blaming God for arranging things so badly. Whatever happens, strive to maintain a link with the region of peace within you that is sheltered from adversity, and do not allow all kinds of inferior thoughts and feelings to cloud your consciousness. Consider the trapeze artiste or the tightrope walker: he manoeuvres freely in the air, free because he does not allow himself to become distracted by extraneous elements which would cost him his concentration and send him hurtling to the ground. In order to remain in the heights, you too must protect your consciousness from agitation, negative preoccupations and disruptive desires. Only by doing so will you remain in the regions of light and inner calm."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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