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Life : respect and protect it in all creatures
"Would you like to become more alive? Would you like your life to become more intense in its vibrations, its emanations? Among the thousands of pieces of advice I can give you, remember at least one. Be conscious of all the life that exists around you and respect it as a manifestation of the Divinity. If human beings learned to respect this life in others, this would already represent tremendous progress. But how do they behave? Often they don’t consider each other anything more than shadows or robots. They push each other around and try to take advantage of one another as if they were objects or tools. And if they bother each other too much, the question is who will be first to eliminate the other But what kind of life do they hope to live in conducting themselves this way? From now on, try to change your attitude, and in the presence of each person you meet, say to yourself: ‘Here is a creature who, like me, is a receptacle of the divine life. Therefore I will respect and protect him.’ In doing so, you yourself will become more alive. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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