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Laws of economy : valid in the spiritual domain as in the physical world
"More and more people are taking an interest in finance and the economy, and have become experts in the field. At least, that is what they believe! But if they truly understood economic and financial matters, they would know how to look after the spiritual riches they receive from heaven; they would understand how to preserve them and make them profitable. Even the most ignorant knows that if he does not make his capital grow, after a while there will be nothing left, because capital which does not yield a profit is quickly dissipated. But where the spiritual realm is concerned, even the most educated become poor: they forget that light, warmth and inner wealth are quickly exhausted if they do not work each day to increase them. Yes, by prayer, meditation and contemplation we must link ourselves constantly with the inexhaustible Source of life, the divine Source, so that each day we renew the energies that enable us to accomplish our task."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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