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Laws : rule the psychic world as they rule the physical world
"In whatever domain it may be, all scientific progress has taken place only because human beings have discovered that the physical world obeys certain laws. But people want to think of the psychic or moral world as a realm of the greatest chaos and anarchy where there are no laws to be understood or rules to be respected! Well, this is not possible. And if by their rash or unconscious behaviour human beings upset the extraordinary mechanism of their psychic organism, they do irreparable damage. Nothing is stable or reliable when we fail to respect these laws, because they constitute the framework of the universe – the psychic as well as the physical universe. Failure to recognise these laws is the greatest mistake. We behave as if they were a human invention, as if they rested on arbitrary and questionable foundations and can be transgressed without serious consequence. Not at all! Nothing and no one will be able to help those who transgress the laws of the psychic and spiritual worlds."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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