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Law of exchange : its significance in the spiritual life
"Exchange is the law of life, and to exchange means to give and receive. Understanding this law allows us to better understand the processes of the spiritual life, such as communion, for example. To commune means to make exchanges. The host which the believer receives from the hands of the priest can bestow the greatest blessings on him. But if the believer does not give this host his love and respect in return, it is not a communion but a theft, a dishonest act. And in order to commune with God, it must also be our wish to bring him something. Not that God needs what we have to offer him, since he is already so rich! But it is we who, in an attempt to give him something of ourselves, awaken within ourselves certain spiritual centres, thanks to which we receive even greater blessings."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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