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Land of the living : where Jesus and the great Masters of humanity live
"Psalm 116 says: ‘I walk before the Lord in the land of the living.’ Where is this land of the living? We can say, in fact, that it is our earth, because our earth also includes regions made up of very subtle, luminous, etheric matter where the most highly evolved beings–the saints, prophets and great masters of humanity – continue to live after their death. And it is in these regions that Jesus still lives, for he has not left the earth. He said: ‘I am with you always, to the end of the age,’ which means that he is still here on earth. He left the physical earth, of course, but not the etheric, luminous, divine earth. Jesus as an expression of the cosmic principle which is the Christ did not leave our earth. He is here in the land of the living where he continues to participate in the work of his heavenly Father. He protects, enlightens and guides all those who wish to follow his path, who wish to work with him and walk in his light."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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